Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The eNotes Blog Tableaux Vivants for the 21stCentury

Tableaux Vivants for the 21stCentury â€Å"Portrait of Sylvia Von Harden†Ã‚  remake by Stephan Hoffman SoYeon Kim â€Å"Portrait of Sylvia Von Harden†Ã‚  by Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Dix Lest we think we, as modern people came up with performance art, here is an idea that is older than our country: the art of Tableaux Vivants. The Oxford English Dictionary defines tableaux vivants as a representation of a person, character, scene, incident, etc., of a well-known painting or statue by one person or a group of persons in suitable costumes or attitudes, silent and motionless.   Such playful, yet at times, serious, art has been around since at least the mid-18th century. The Italian actor Carlo Bertinazzi performed the The Village Betrothal in Los Noces dArlequin by Jean-Baptist Grueze for the court at the Palace of Versailles in 1760. Tableaux vivant actors tried to mimic costume, lighting, and theme in order to delight, educate, and inform. These living paintings were very popular in the early 19th century when the re-creations were moved from lofty venues like palaces to more humble ones, such as the parlors of affluent Americans. Godeys Ladys Book, arguably the most popular and influential magazine of its time, described tableaux vivant as one of the most popular of party activities which also served to engender a love and appreciation for art. Today, actors and artists still seek to create in form what visual artists put to paper. In April, the Adobe corporation challenged students in the UK to create their own tableaux vivant and vie for a 10,000 pound prize. An American website called Booooom wanted to participate in the project and asked Adobe for permission to adopt the idea (though not the prize).   Adobe agreed. Here are just a few of the stunning photographic tableaux vivants. What is truly delightful is the way in which many of the artists do not create a literal homage to the original work, but nevertheless embody its spirit. Check out ALL the entries here (more accepted until 10/21/11)   and more creative events on Boooooms   Facebook page. â€Å"Self Portrait 1889†³Ã‚  remake by Seth Johnson â€Å"Self Portrait 1889†³ by Vincent van Gogh â€Å"Automata† remake by Or Eitan â€Å"Automata† by Edward Hopper â€Å"Narcissus†Ã‚  remake by  Max Zerrahn â€Å"Narcissus†Ã‚  by Caravaggio

Saturday, November 23, 2019

In Dept To China Essays - Steelmaking, Agricultural Machinery

In Dept To China Essays - Steelmaking, Agricultural Machinery In Dept To China The World is forever in debt to China for its innovations. Ancient China was extreme advance and many of its discoveries are still in use today. This is what Robert Temple, the author of The Genius of China 3000 years of science, discovery and invention. The book is based on 11 main parts of Chinese innovation. Within these 11 categories, there are 3 main parts that contain the most significant inventions. Robert Temple concentrates the bulk of his examples in these three categories, agriculture, domestic and industrial technology , and engineering. Temples examples were not limited to these fields of innovation. The Chinese excelled in many other areas, including mathematics, warfare and transportation, to name a few. Although Temple wrote about eleven fields of invention, I feel that these three sections contain the greatest examples of Chinese innovation, and the debt that the modern world owes China. The first main area is the field of engineering. Within this chapter, the develo pment of iron and steel is the greatest achievement. The development of iron and steel led to other advances. By at least the 4th century the Chinese have developed blast furnaces to obtain cast iron from iron ore. This was 1200 years before the first blast furnace showed up in Europe. The reasons that the author gave to explain the reasons why the Chinese developed this technology are simple. The Chinese had access to large amounts of clay, the key ingredient in making blast furnaces. The Chinese also figured out that by adding a substance they called :Black Earth, they could lower the melting point of iron. Another major invention of the Chinese, that led to other achievements, is steel. The common belief today is that Henry Bessemer discovered the process of refining iron into steel. The fact is Chinese had developed the process to refine iron into steel in the second century BC The Chinese learned that by injecting oxygen into the blast furnace, they could remove the carbon from the iron. The Chinese called this process the hundred refinings method since they repeated the process that many times. The finished product was highly prized in China for its strength and ability to hold an edge on a sword. The Chinese would weld the steel onto weaker iron thus creating a strong edge and a superior weapon. The Chinese iron and steel workers were the best at making different types of metals into modern times. But then, no one else could have done so at the time, since iron existed nowhere else but in China. The Chinese invented the chain pump in the first century AD The chain pump allows water to the pumped from lower to higher elevations. The chain pumps were used for draining and pumping in civil engineering, but what is more important is it was used for irrigation. Irrigation allows for greater and more intense farming, thus resulting in a better crop yield. With the greater crop yields larger populations can be supported. The chain pump was exported to all part s of the world by way of visiting ambassadors and dignitaries. The first European chain pump appeared in the sixteenth century, and was a direct copy of the Chinese version. The second area of great Chinese achievement is in domestic and industrial technology. The most recognized Chinese invention is in the field of domestic and industrial technology, paper. Paper was invented around the second century BC and was used as clothing. One might not believe that paper could be used as clothing, but the paper made at that time used thicker and tougher paper fibers. Not only was paper used for clothing, it was also used for military body armor. The Chinese found out that pleated sheets of paper could stop the penetration of arrows. The paper armor was standard issue with Chinese land and sea units. Papers writing property was not discovered till about one century after its discovery. The earliest example of writing on paper was found an abandon military post. The paper found dates back to 110 AD and contained two dozen readable characters. The area that let China grow and expand was the innovations in the area of agriculture.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Statement of purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Of purpose - Personal Statement Example My masters in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) has helped in honing my skills in dealing with others, especially students. I taught in two national schools ( Al-Batool and Makkah). My actual experiences as a teacher gave me the opportunity to conceptualize and implement effective ways in ascertaining order. As a teacher, I had to inspire learning among my students since leaders are sources of encouragement and motivation. I observed that ineffective leaders do not inspire others to act on goals. Moreover, I had to make wise decisions in response to the uniqueness of situations. Leaders ought to decide efficiently when facing uncertainties. Any judgment may be vital to the nature of the future and may affect others’ situations. Generally, leaders need to know how to think and act concerning various social situations and different kinds of people. I have come to understand the social processes involved in teaching. There were also a number of enlightenments regarding people’s personalities and ways of absorbing information. These aptitudes are affected by their culture and innate characteristics. I also recognized that I need to consider each person’s uniqueness if I want to have a successful communication with him. With my involvements, I realized that I am responsible, well organized, independent, cooperative, conscientious, patient, and hardworking. In the future, I aim to be successful in the education arena. I am fortunate enough to know what and who I really want to become. This self-knowledge has led me to conceptualize of steps that may help me achieve greater objectives. It is a vocation that seeks to make significant changes for tomorrow’s generations. It is also a profession that has a lot of intrinsic motivation. There is no greater bliss than the feeling of making significant changes in the lives of young minds. I have also seen that certain changes should be made to fully cater to the varied needs of pupils. F or instance, the issues on language barriers and cultural differences must be fully addressed. With these concerns in mind, I am enthused to take up Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice. This is the ideal course to help me in being involved in empowering fairness in schools as well as communities. With the numerous crises that the world is going through, this course can prepare me to identify issues associated with education and how to act on them. To further cultivate my career, I have acknowledged that it is very essential to participate in higher forms of education. Indeed, learning lasts for a lifetime. This can be better attained by enrolling in schools with programs featuring excellent curricula. This is the main reason why I want to study in Loyola Marymount University. It is an institution boasting accreditations, excellent faculty, and competitive facilities. Personally, its mission to encourage learning of the whole person and to promote justice with the service of faith is vastly cogent. This is tightly connected to the field that I want to focus on since it is all about integrity and equality. â€Å"Scholars in the field of education prepare thousands of future school leaders every year†(Capper, Theoharis, and Sebastian, 209). However, are they being prepared to implement justice in their professions? If given the opportunity, I particularly would like to look into operational educational leadership programs that can benefit

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Sigmund Freud - Essay Example Sigmund Freud is well-remembered by history not for coming up with the right answers,but for asking the right questions.His conception of mental illness as something that could be understood,engaged with,and treated transformed our conception of the mentally ill or mentally disabled,and led to gradual improvements in the treatment of sufferers, both of emotional disturbance and cognitive disability. For a long time, mental handicaps were seen as completely insurmountable, just something that nobody could engage with or do anything about. In the 20th century, though, that began to change. The notion that mental illness was treatable began to become widespread, and mental hospitals because places of treatment rather than mere confinement. A good example of the changing attitudes is the 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, based on Ken Kesey’s 1962 novel of the same title. In it, Randle McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, is transferred from prison to a mental instit ution, where he challenges the way the institution is run. Prior to his arrival, the institution is essentially a holding pen, a place where people are kept because society doesn’t want to deal with them. There is no real expectation that anyone ever will, or ever can, leave the institution or be cured of their problems. Indeed, McMurphy initially goes there because he thinks it will be an easier place than prison to serve out the remainder of his sentence, only to discover that one he’s in the institutional system, he can be kept there indefinitely against his will. However, by engaging with the other patients as human beings, McMurphy challenges the authority of the institutional system. He reveals that most of his fellow â€Å"nuts,† in his phrase, are capable of functioning at a higher level than they are given credit for, and even the mysterious Chief Bromden has been completely misdiagnosed. He’s not deaf and mute; he’s just very quiet. The s tory is a larger metaphor about the emasculating effects of institutional systems (it is not by accident that Nurse Ratched is female) but the very fact that it was set in a mental hospital reveals a serious change in attitudes toward the mentally ill and disabled. The 1960s were a fertile time for changing attitudes, and the liberation of McMurphy’s compatriots should be seen in that context. In 1968, the Special Olympics were founded, as parents of mentally disabled children were encouraged for the first time to take pride in their offspring despite their disability. Prior to this era, such parents were frequently told to have their children permanently institutionalized, and tell people they were dead. As another example, three years prior to the release of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, there had been a famous television expose of the Willowbrook State School, a grossly abusive and inadequate institution for mentally disabled children and youths. It led to a publ ic outcry and a series of reforms in how such institutions were run. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, in that sense, is chronicling an unfolding cultural narrative about the treatment of mental handicaps; it’s a story about changing attitudes that came out in a time of changing attitudes. There is often an easy narrative applied to the Civil War, one in which evil, racist Confederates are opposed by virtuous, non-racist Union troops. Few would phrase it in exactly that way, but that is the basic structure of the model many people absorb from pop culture and conventional wisdom. Like most such good-vs.-evil narratives, it is a gross oversimplification that misses much of its own point. Reality is, as ever, more complex. At another end of the spectrum, one finds those who insist that the war had nothing to do with slavery, that that was a mere incidental issue. Considering that every state that seceded wrote an elaborate proclamation of their reasons, and that every one of those documents cites slavery as their central ideological issue, the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Energy Crisis Essay Example for Free

Energy Crisis Essay Every country in the world uses energy. For example: to cook. It is becoming one of the basic needs in life. But where does the energy come from? In the year 2008, 85% of the power that we are using was nonrenewable energy, which means that someday, these energies will be gone. However, right now, there are people who have started using renewable energy such as solar energy. There are more than 7 billion people in the world right now and it will keep rising while the energy resources are depleting. Even though there are many energies that are renewable, the renewable energies are harder to make use of, which is one of the reasons why not many people use them. Also, they require some advanced technology. If we don’t find something else to replace oil, coal and natural gas, we won’t have the energy to use in the future. One of the forms of the renewable energy is solar energy. Solar energy uses energy from sunlight to create energy for our home. Sunlight is a clean, renewable resource. There are many ways to get energy from sunlight, such as the photovoltaic (PV) panels, converting sunlight into electricity and solar electricity, using the sun’s heat to produce electricity. Solar cells, or the photovoltaic panels, convert sunlight directly into electricity. We can often find solar cells in calculators and watches. Since solar cells are made up of semiconducting materials, materials whose conductivity will increase with temperature, sunlight will lose their electrons, allowing the electrons to flow through semiconducting materials to produce electricity when sunlight is absorbed. Solar electricity is separated into three kinds: parabolic-trough, dish/engine, and power tower. Parabolic-trough concentrates the sunlight through mirrors. The mirror will be tilted towards the sun, heating the oil that is flowing in the pipe inside the panel. Heated oil will then be used to boil water to produce electricity. The dish/engine is a dish-shaped mirror that will collect heat from sunlight and transfer it to the fluid within the engine. The heat would cause the fluid to expand and produce mechanical power. A power tower system uses a large field of mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto the top of a tower. This heat will melt salt that flows through the receiver and the salts heat will be used to generate electricity through a conventional steam generator. With different kinds of solar panel, the price varies in the range from $5,000 to $30,000, depending on the effectiveness and the amount of energy you use. Even though the solar panels are expensive, many people still use them since they think that solar energy is energy-efficient and green. One of the advantages solar energy has is being renewable. As long as there are living things on this planet, there will always be solar energy since we get solar energy from sunlight. Even though sunlight is not present at night, the solar energy could still be stored by charging the batteries during the day and be used at night. We could then get more sunlight on the next day. Moreover, solar energy creates absolutely no pollution or noise, unlike other machines. It doesn’t damage the environment by emitting greenhouse gases or polluting water, air or land. By using this source of energy, the air will be cleaner and it helps stop the global warming. Other than this, in the long term, the solar energy is much cheaper than the energy resources we are using now. Even though it is expensive, initially the maintenance requirement is very small and the service life is around 30 years. The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it is extremely expensive. This is mostly why nowadays, not many people use solar energy. The price is unaffordable. Furthermore, since our world is polluted, the rain or the clouds could block sunlight from getting to the panels, making it ineffective. With a cloudy climate, the panels will be able to produce sunlight at a slower rate and may require more panels to generate enough electricity for your house, which will require more money. Even though using solar energy in houses might not require huge amount of area, big buildings do. To use the solar panels to their maximum ability, they need to be in the sun. With bigger buildings, you will need many more panels and to get them to work to their maximum ability, you will need a huge amount of area for the panels to be in the sunlight. Even though solar energy has some disadvantages, the advantages still overweight the disadvantages since energies are running out and this solar energy is everywhere. If we can get all of the energy that was sent to this planet, we could light the entire planet for one year within an hour. But the problem with this is we cant. If we can find a way to harvest this energy, we can have as much electricity as we want until the end of the human generation. Right now, there are many renewable energies that scientists have found but they are not yet the best way to solve the energy crisis. Therefore, scientists are still searching for new forms of energy. Dark energy is another form of energy that is very useful to mankind. In the universe, it is composed of up to 74% dark energy. What is dark energy? Dark energy is the unexplained force that causes the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Even though there is no evidence that the dark energy does exist, people agree that it does since they believe that the universe had a beginning, and is expanding. Other than dark energy, the underwater pressure can be another useful energy resource. Beneath the water surface, there is a potential constant source of unused hydroelectric power in the form of deep water pressure. According to Rick Dickson, he had invented a way to harvest this deep water pressure by transferring its pressure to air and then to a piston. The name of this process is called Ocean Pressure Electric Conversion. Therefore, as we know, the dark energy and the hydroelectric power are very powerful; if we could get dark energy by using a similar way to the way we get solar energy and harvest the water pressure, Im positive that we would never run out of energy again. Works Cited World Energy Crisis . World Energy Crisis . N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. Disadvantages Of Solar Energy. Natural Renewable Energy Sources Clean Energy Ideas. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. Disadvantages of Solar Power Solar Energy Disadvantages Disadvantages of Solar Energy. Go Green with Solar Energy. N.p., n.d. Web.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of Percy Jackson and the Olympians Essay -- Character, Greek

The fact that Percy Jackson has friends is incredible. It’s an unshakable fact that any friend of his within a ten mile radius will be in a life or death situation with him by dinner, and they aren’t always so lucky as him. But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. Over the course of the five-part contemporary young adult series Percy Jackson & The Olympians, titular character Percy Jackson must embrace his Greek God parentage and save Olympus with the help of his fellow demigods. The aim of this paper is to discuss his Hero’s Journey throughout the series, provide an in depth character analysis, and draw parallels between Percy and the three classic Greek heroes of mythology: Perseus, Theseus, and Hercules. The first novel of the series, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief , is where Percy’s Hero’s Journey begins, encompassing the first five stages. The Ordinary World, the first stage, is the introduction of the main hero. â€Å"The hero, uneasy, uncomfortable or unaware, is introduced sympathetically so the audience can identify with the situation or dilemma† (Campbell). Percy Jackson, a twelve year old diagnosed with both dyslexia and ADHD living in New York with his loving, over-worked mother and abusive stepfather, begins his story attending a boarding school for â€Å"troubled youth† and having a less than spectacular time being the new kid. Despite his good intentions of protecting his only friend Grover from a bully, Percy gets in trouble at school and is pulled aside by one of his teachers, whom is revealed to be the Fury Alecto, one of Hades’s servants in disguise. It is at this point in the story in which the second stage, The Call to Adven ture, comes into play. Percy defeats the Fury with the help of a centaur named Chiron, t... ...Journey and examine the heroic parallels between Percy Jackson and the great Greek heroes Perseus, Theseus, and Hercules through a timeless lense. Works Cited Campbell, Joseph. "The Hero's Journey Outline." Hero's Journey. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. . Eliade, Mircea. "In Search of Cupid and Psyche: Chapter Two." In Search of Cupid and Psyche: Chapter Two. Harper & Row, 1 Jan. 1963. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. . Riordan, Rick. Percy Jackson & The Olympians. Neu bearb. Ausg. ed. Hamburg: Hyperion, Print. Wistrom, Elizabeth . "Percy Jackson: Character Analysis." Bright Hub Education. N.p., 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Preaching to Every Pew: A Book Review Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The issue of immigration continues to be a thorny issue in the United States. The number of Hispanics and Asians is on the rise. Even if there are sectors in the society who want to limit the number of immigrants in the country, it can no longer be denied that immigrants play an increasing role in the fabric of the American society. Up to some extent, the authorities and the people in the society should be able to cope with this reality and make the best use of the situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As different races enter the United States, culture becomes richer and more diverse. The society, including the churches, should take note of the changes brought about by this phenomenon and reach out to people belonging to different cultural backgrounds. This multicultural setting, however, is a difficult thing to handle. There are different issues that have to be understood and dealt with if the churches would like to be relevant to all people groups. After all, the church is not only a church for White people but the Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly stressed the universality of the Gospel and the brotherhood of all humans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cultural diversity includes differences in language—and this not only involves the grammar and modes of speaking and writing. Rather, there are subtle nuances and differences in expressing metaphors and meaning, which is inherent in every language. As such, those who speak English as a second language would not easily understand metaphors and idiomatic expressions in the English language.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition to this, every culture has different practices, which would seem incomprehensible or downright crazy to people from another culture. If the lenses of a particular culture were used to understand another, then the result would be conflict and misunderstanding. Dealing with Multiculturalism in the Church   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The churches are not spared from this difficulty of dealing with multiculturalism. However, unlike the corporate world that explores how to deal with multiculturalism, churches are floundering with their efforts to reach out to people belong to different cultures. With this reality in North America, Nieman and Rogers’ book â€Å"Preaching to Every Pew† is a timely advice and provides a blueprint in dealing with multiculturalism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book is not merely the musings of two theorists. Rather, the authors did extensive research and interviews with pastors whose ministries are located in multicultural settings. Hence, their ministry is grounded in actual practice, thereby providing credence to the concepts and principles that they explore. Their approach is systematic and comprehensive. They cover all the major factors affecting the issue of multiculturalism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The authors explore hospitality as a theological mandate for pastors and church members to deal with the cultural diversity in their congregations. Indeed, throughout the Old Testament, hospitality[1] is an important commandment of God. In the New Testament, hospitality was extended to Jesus and eventually to the disciples as they propagated the world to different areas of the world. Their setting then was also multicultural. Jesus, himself, offers a great example of cross-cultural communication. When Jesus was in Samaria, he transcended cultural differences and social differences when he talked and ministered to the Samaritan woman. When he spoke to the woman, he used terms and cultural references that the woman could relate to. If he did not, then the chances are, the woman will not listen to him and simply dismiss his claims. By looking at the example of Christ, we can see his sensitivity as well as the way he considered the cultural background of the person he is talking to. Through these theological principles, then, Christians are reminded of their roots and how they can emulate the example of Jesus and of the early disciples in dealing with believers from other cultural settings. This discussion is then followed by an examination of different cultural â€Å"frames† of the congregation. Cultural Frames Affecting Diversity There are four different cultural frames that the author explored: ethnicity, economic class, geographical displacement, and religious belief. These cultural frames were used by the authors in explaining the nature and dynamics of multiculturalism in the church. Through carefully crafted chapters, the authors described the cultural frame under consideration. After such a description, they listed down misconceptions and dealt with them point by point. According to the authors, the concept of ethnicity is more comprehensive than the term â€Å"race† because the former takes into account the communal identities of peoples instead of merely taking note of colors and physical characteristics. In addition to this, people who move to the United States are usually displaced geographically because of economic needs—they do not have much opportunity to work in their countries. As such, they choose to risk their lives and their identities by coming to America. As a result of the displacement, they become disoriented and they might feel that they do not belong to the new society where they relocated. Even if they were Christians from their places of origin, they still find it difficult to assimilate themselves to the American society that they find themselves in. In a sense, ethnicity becomes a question of politics and economics. Their social situation also has an important impact on the way they will accept or listen to sermons directed to them. Furthermore, because of their cultural backgrounds, they will have different views regarding Christianity and the message it brings. Economic class is another cultural frame through which immigrants view their world. Because they have to work a lot and meet their needs, a lot of immigrants would rather go to work on Sundays rather than attend church and listen to the sermon. This should also be taken into account by preachers. After all, a pastor or a priest talking to middle class families will not make much sense to an immigrant who is barely making a living, in the same way that middle class could not relate with preaching directed towards rich people. After dealing fully with the cultural frame, the authors then enumerate several areas in the frame under consideration, which preachers, pastors, and even priests should take into account as they minister through preaching to a multicultural congregation. In conclusion to the chapters dealing with these cultural frames, the authors suggest several strategies in preaching to a multicultural congregation. People from other parts of the world tend to bring with them their own religion. When they enter the United States, they might have come from a Buddhist, Islamic, or non-Christian religions. Each religion would have its own worldview and assumptions about the world. Hence, there is also a challenge in communicating with people from different religions. But in a manner of speaking, those who have a similar concept of a personal God might be easier to talk to than those from polytheistic religions. In the final chapter of the book, Niemann and Rogers provided a discussion on the ministry of preachers and their role in this fast changing world. Multiculturalism is another issue that they have to deal with if they were to minister effectively to their congregations. With globalization raging all over the world and as people become more mobile, the challenges of preaching can easily become gargantuan. The authors, therefore, provided several means in which preachers and pastors can do this. The authors dealt with cultural diversity in the churches. However, they did not dwell much on the social advocacy part of the issue. Nonetheless, the authors did a good job of helping church workers be jolted awake in dealing with cultural diversity. The world tends to be confusing and more difficult to deal with because of a great deal of issues. Yet, the authors have drawn upon God’s word and actual experiences in the field to draw out interesting concepts and strategies to deal with this cultural diverse world created by God. The Authors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both James R. Niemann and Thomas G. Rogers teach Homiletics. The former teaches at Wartburg Theological Seminary while the latter is Associate Professor at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Both authors are Lutheran in background. Even with their background, the authors were able to transcend denominational differences to become relevant to most denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church since the issue they are dealing with affects not only protestant churches, but every church in general. Cultural Diversity and the Challenge of the Times Cultural diversity can no longer be prevented. In fact, it might grow even more pronounced in the coming years as more and more countries become open to each other. Because of this diversity, people from different cultural backgrounds will have different and radical interpretations even if they were listening to the same message. Niemann and Rogers’ book helps preachers deal with this. In the process, they are also helping congregations in the long run in understanding God’s word preached to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Preaching to Every Pew† is a relevant book to our times—for mainline protestant denomination and even for the Roman Catholic Church. The book provides a comprehensive look at how culture shapes the worldviews of people and how it influences the already complicated process of communication. Since preaching is a form of communication involving the word of God, the authors then outline principles and practices based on scriptures and on actual practice so that preaching can be more dynamic in dealing with cultural diversity. In this regard, the book is a very useful tool for pastors, priests and even lay preachers. It helps them become more relevant and interesting. Hopefully, by consulting this book, pastors, preachers, and priests can avoid becoming boring and insensitive in the church. Rather, they can become dynamic and sensitive to the cultural diversity that God has instituted in the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The authors have provided great insights into the cross-cultural nature of society. These are grounded in biblical principles and practical application. Yet, there is no alternative for loving people and treating them as neighbors in accordance with what the Bible teaches. Differences may be there but through cross-cultural strategies, pastors, preachers and priests can truly help in making these Christians one although diverse. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Church is Christ’s legacy. It is His instrument in working out His will on the planet. The church, on the other hand, even through its flaws and mistakes, is called upon to initiate people into the wonderful experience of following Christ. This is done best by preaching and actual means of reaching out to people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The issue of immigration has been going on in the United States for the past decades. As this trend goes on, the Church is called upon to rethink its strategies and its framework in dealing with an increasingly becoming multicultural society. Although preaching is still a good way of reaching out to these immigrants, additional strategies are needed so that they can become more receptive to the message that the church has to offer. If they were tapped and immersed in the life of the church in the United States, these immigrants can add vibrancy and dynamism to the church through their different perspectives[2]. Christ, as the model of the Church, loved people and accepted them. In the course of his ministry, he showed cultural relevance and sensitivity. The church should no less than follow his footsteps. Otherwise, it fails to be relevant and it fails the mandate given to it by Christ.   Niemann and Rogers have done a great job in showing to the church and Christians alike how to devised strategies and techniques dealing with multiculturalism in the society and in the church. Bibliography Niemann, James R. and Thomas G. Rogers. Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001. Warner, R. Stephen and Judith G. Wittner. Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Temple University Press, 1998 [1] Niemann, James R. and Thomas G. Rogers. Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001. (p. 18) [2] Warner, R. Stephen and Judith G. Wittner. Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Temple University Press, 1998, p. 368.   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Negative Effects of Privatizing Social Security

Bush administration’s continuous emphasis on the issue of privatization of social security services has generated much hype in the recent years. Many a social security scholars and workers take into account its bad effects on the socio-cultural sector and economic domain of United States rather than eulogizing it. They put forward many negative effects of this privatization of social security. One of the prime negative effects is that a system that is carved out to offer benefits to employees and their kin upon retirement, disability, or bereavement is going to be treated like a commodity. It is a public service and is not a commercial service. From the very start of social security system in 1935, the program was based on the basis principle that magnitude of the remuneration package would depend on the income of employees over their professional time span. Contrary to this, Bush administration’s new privatized security system would take into account the   Ã‚  amount of funds that a worker would invest in his or her own personal account. Ultimately, this will lower the magnitude of benefit and there would be a great uncertainty on the part of the workers about their investments, margin over investments and remuneration. This would not only result into socio-economic maladies for their but psychological and mental health of the workers would be in danger too. Some scholars are of the view that â€Å"Rate of return† calculations, made by the proponents of privatized social security overlook the â€Å"value of Social Security's insurance protections†. So privatization of Social Security would divert the money that is currently used to finance existing insurance program into investment accounts (this proposed to be created for each worker). So from what sources this amount, that is being used to carry on current payments to recipients of a variety of Social Security insurance and other benefits, will be collected? It would generate a cause and effect phenomenon. For example Treasury of States have to borrow huge amounts from the private sectors and other financial institutes instantaneously in order to pay the insurance and other retirement benefits to the already retired and/or their families. This would cause negative impact on the national economy and federal deficit would go up. National saving would decline and it will effect the long-tern economic development. Another negative impact of the privatization of social security is that remuneration on the finances of workers through individual accounts would be totally dependent on the market trends. Furthermore scholars argue that individual investors are more prone to perform badly in the market than collective investments. In the above case brokerage houses, banks and mutual funds would be beneficial. Social Security programs does not take into account the gender differences and its patterns and procedures treat men and women on equal terms, But is a biological and cultural truth that women get the worst provided by the social security. So in this way, she will be the most hard-hit in the privatization process of social security. Caroll L. Estes as early as 2004 take into consideration the negative impact of privatization of Social security and says; Negative effects are particularly harsh for those older women who do not conform to the model of family status as married with male breadwinner and for those already disadvantaged by race, ethnicity, and class. (Estes, 2004) References Anrig Grig, Jr., ; Wasow, Bernard. Twelve Reasons Why Privatizing Social Security is a Bad Idea. The Century Foundation. 2004. Available online: Estes, Caroll L. Social Security privatization and older women: A feminist political economy perspective. Journal of Aging Studies. Vol.18. No. February 2004, Pages 9-26 Feldstein, Martin. Privatizing Social Security. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Jun., 1999), pp. 685-686 ; ; ;

Friday, November 8, 2019

The First Reconstruction A Revolution essays

The First Reconstruction A Revolution essays Many people will argue that the social and political changes in the period between 1860 and 1877 culminated in a revolution. This time period, known as the First Reconstruction, made many advances in equality for Blacks in voting, politics, and the use of public facilities. The lawmakers of the time were however unable to make adequate progress in advancing economic equality; therefore Blacks didnt completely escape their original plight. This should not be considered a revolution because its results were quickly reversed when former confederate leaders and other bigots reclaimed the power of legislation in the South. The First Reconstruction was a result of the Civil War and lasted until 1977. The political, social, and economic conditions after the war helped define the goals of lawmakers during the Reconstruction. Congress now had to decide on how they were going to address such topics as; Black equality, rebuilding of the South, admission of southern state to the Union, and deciding who would control the government. In the south the newly freed slaves wandered the countryside and the white population was devastated due to their loss in the recent war. The south was also devastated economically; plantations were destroyed, railroads torn up, their labor force gone, and cities were burned. In the post Civil War era there was a struggle for the power, each with their own ideas on how the country should go about in the reconstruction process. First, the Southern Democrats, a party made up of former Confederate leaders and other members of the aristocracy, strived to end the perceived control of the North over the South. They also sought the reinstitution of slavery under a different name, Black Codes. These codes would provide a cheap labor force to the plantations by limiting the rights of Blacks to move, vote, travel, and change jobs. Second, Moderate Republicans wanted to obtain a policy of reconciliation bet...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How Dry Shampoo Works to Refresh Hair

How Dry Shampoo Works to Refresh Hair Dry shampoo cleans and refreshes your hair on days you cant use traditional shampoo and water (or choose not to). Heres a look at whether or not dry shampoo actually works and what it does. Key Takeaways: How Dry Shampoo Works Dry shampoo is a product that is applied to hair to reduce oiliness without the need for water.Most types of dry shampoo include a starch, usually from corn or rice, as a key ingredient. The starch absorbs oil and drops away from hair during brushing.Since some product inevitably remains in hair, a dry shampoo can cause hair to feel thicker.While dry shampoo helps improve the appearance of hair, some users dislike the texture it adds to hair.Dry shampoo is not a permanent substitute to washing hair with soap or shampoo. This is because dry shampoo does not remove shed skin cells or control bacteria. What Is Dry Shampoo? Dry shampoo is a powder or a fast-evaporating liquid that your spray or work into your hair that removes excess sebum and other oils and may freshen the scent of your hair. Commercial products contain much the same type of ingredients as homemade dry shampoo, although dry shampoo from a store is more likely to have a uniform texture than a product you make yourself. Both dry and spray-on dry shampoos work the same way. Why Use a Dry Shampoo? Aside from the obvious situation where water isnt available, you may wish to use a dry shampoo for any of the following reasons: Reduces stripping of color by traditional shampoosExtends the life of an expensive blow-outMakes hair easier to styleTakes less time than washing and drying hairMinimizes hair damage since natural protective oils arent strippedFreshens hair if youre coming from a smoky, sweaty, or otherwise smelly situation How Dry Shampoo Works Dry shampoo and wet-dry shampoo works by absorbing oil onto a substance that can be brushed or blown out of your hair. The two main types of dry shampoo are homemade and commercial. Oil-absorbing ingredients you can use to make homemade dry shampoo include corn starch, baby powder, rice starch, orris root, oatmeal, and clay. Feel free to add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to one of the powders to add a fresh scent. If using baby powder, be sure to use a brand free of asbestos (a common contaminant). Clay, while excellent at controlling oil, may also be contaminated with metals or undesirable minerals (so dont just dig it up from your garden). Because brands dont exactly advertise impurities, its probably safer to stick with corn starch, rice starch, orris root, oatmeal, or some mixture of the these ingredients. Commercial brands typically contain some form of starch, fragrance, and a propellant to help apply product evenly over hair. Some products contain an anti-clumping agent to help disperse particles. A popular commercial spray-on dry shampoo contains isobutane, propane, denatured alcohol, aluminum starch octenyl succinate, butane, fragrance, isopropyl myristate, silica, and cyclopentasiloxane. Only hydrophobic soils, like natural oils and oil-based styling products, are absorbed by the dry shampoo. Dry shampoo will not remove actual dirt, skin flakes, and other chemicals that can make hair look and feel greasy, so most stylists recommend using dry shampoo between regular shampoos to reduce chemical damage to hair or for unexpected emergencies. Most people still need to use regular water-based shampoo to get fresh, clean hair. Dry Shampoo for Animals Dry shampoo isnt just for people! Dry shampoos may be used on furry pets. Commercial pet products are a bit different from ones intended for humans. They may contain conditioning agents, Melaleuca oil to repel fleas, or even pesticides. Pet products may be powder or foams. The shampoo must be worked into the animals coat and then wiped off. Dry shampoo should be used with caution on cats because they lick themselves and will ingest some product. Learn More If youre ready to give dry shampoo a try, make one of these easy homemade dry shampoo recipes. If youre not ready to take the plunge, but are concerned about ingredients in commercial products, make homemade shampoo and learn exactly how shampoo works.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Visual analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Visual analysis paper - Essay Example During these periods, artists would use fired clay for creating their artwork (The metropolitan museum of art, 2012). By using the fired clay, the artists ensured that their final piece of art was highly durable and lasted longer than any form of art that was created. As opposed to other types of ancient art, for an instant painting, pottery as an art form was highly durable. Not only did the artists mould the clay into fine forms, they also assumed the skill of painting. The reason the artists’ painted their pottery was to create a means of communication. The painted decorations helped the artists in making three-dimensional representations of their pottery. Among the Greeks artists’, pottery was produced from using geometric shapes in decorating them to use of human forms. The geometric kind of art showed in the Heron class Olla came along in the middle and late geometric time. There are different lines that run across the pot from the tip to the base; distinct lines that run vertically, while pothers are designed horizontally. In between a series of lines running horizontally on the pot, the artists put other motifs. They use animal motifs accompanying them with other abstract diamonds like motifs. Thereafter, the horizontal line second row is only modelled in animal depictions. The artist has used decorative motifs after the third horizontal lines that alternate with the short vertical lines (The metropolitan museum of art, 2012). The base of the pot follows a series of horizontally formed lines that are of varying thickness. There has been much emphasis on the geometric motifs just like the artistic period name. As opposed to the black-figure period, where the artist used dark colors in the objects on the surface of the artwork, the geometric era u ses brighter hues. Unlike pottery in the geometric era, the archaic period pottery the artists were using

Friday, November 1, 2019

Cultural Implications Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cultural Implications - Coursework Example Distinctive culture has diverse conduct standard and good limitations for its representatives in an organization. Organizations will apply incredible impact in transit representatives speak with one another. Then; employee voice is an approach to speak to the organization correspondence. What's more, the voice of employees passes on their certain culture. Take the Japan Company and American organization as illustrations. In Japan Company, employees are obliged to hold the statement of faith of order, and they have a superior work framework. Japanese employees ought to be responsible for their own business exclusively instead of participate with others (Johnstone & Ackers, 2015). While in the American organization the culture is truly diverse. The employees typically carry on specifically to others and the greater part of times they will impart to the work. What the distinction of them show in the part of their human administration. In some renowned Japan organizations like SONY, whos e employees will be isolated into diverse gatherings and keep the gatherings as independent as could be expected under the circumstances as per their distinctive societies to maintain a strategic distance from the social conflicts with one another (Johnstone & Ackers, 2015). Yet the input of this framework is that it is hard to hear distinctive voices from representatives, which will obviously requirement the speedier and healthier improvement of the association. Employee voice is accomplished through both direct voice and indirect voice.